Friday, August 13, 2010

Update on Individuals

Here’s an update on the Uriay folks and how you can better pray for them!


Wobre  - in Vanimo, heard the first 2-3 weeks of teaching perhaps and hasn’t been back since

Komnawe – attending daily, seems to be following but pretty quiet

Timoti (teen) – came at first but not really attending

Tyekob (teen) – has only heard a few lessons

Akusta (teen) – attends often but her attendance has dropped off recently

Tyoel (11) – definitely old enough to understand, periodically attends

Akaria (3) – there every day to scream her head off during the teaching time J


Tyob – really tracking well!

Fena – attending and very intent as she listens to the lessons, really quiet so it’s hard to get her to say what she’s thinking about all this

Nuafe (8 or 9) – attends daily but not sure what she’s thinking

Karoba (11)* - there occasionally

Makret (9)* - attending but has become rather sporadic in her attendance


Aki – Tyob’s mom – there daily and seems to be tracking but can’t get her to say openly what she thinks


Boni and Komayyo – neither one are attending, expecting cargo and things to just show up, we’re holding out on him by not showing him how to get all the cargo from his dead ancestors

Inok (11 or 12) – not attending

Dakruma (8) – sporadically attends with her cousins

Dona (6) – sporadically attends with her cousins


Diksen – has attended some and seemed really interested but has fallen off lately, in the same camp as his brother, Boni – waiting on the cargo

Edade – sporadic attendance

Sebeti (teen) – rarely there

Tyesi (10) – has heard very few lessons

Lubina (7) – occasionally attends with her cousins, but not enough to really catch it all


Fol  - not coming, one of the other guys accused him of stealing tobacco so he doesn’t attend

Lusi – attends occasionally but has missed as many lessons as she’s heard


Nawiyem (widow) – sharp as anything! She’s missed a few lessons but she’s one of the ladies interacting in the lessons and ladies’ meetings!  She’s so close!


Tyimi and Kristina – were there for the first week of teaching but have been in Kristina’s village, Busan for the rest of the lessons


Meyyo (widow) – there almost every day, she’s another quiet one that won’t really answer my questions as to what she’s thinking about the lessons, time will tell

Dina (teen) – sporadic attendance but has heard quite a bit

Terens (teen) – sporadic attendance but has heard a fair bit

Wilfet (9 but mentally slow) – there most days

Wekot (7) – there most days with her mom


Ame (widow) – she has been tracking so well – so keen to hear it – answering questions in the ladies’ meetings and asking them. Her daughter’s husband died in a nearby village so she’s missed the last two weeks of teaching and may miss the rest.  Pray for a miracle here that she can come back and hear the rest of the story!

Kata (12) – there consistently when her mom was here in the village but she’s in the other village as well

Dominik (8) – in school in this other village, hasn’t heard any of the lessons

Tyeko (6) – was here but now in the other village


Paetrik – there most days but tends to skip out for fishing or gathering house posts, tracking well though

Tayna – same as her husband but she seems to be tracking well

Kilfet (6) – there but still too young


Fabel – has probably only missed one day in the whole three months! He’s keen to hear it and seems to be tracking wel

Imi- hasn’t missed a day, tracking REALLY well and hungry to know the truth!  She actively participates in the lessons and ladies’ meetings – so close to understanding it all!

Tyefri (teen) – rarely in attendance

Erot (teen) – there most days, she’s sharp but not sure where she’s at for sure

Noma (7) – there with her mom almost every day


Albert – has helped with translation and checking Bible lessons but he’s very hit and miss in his attendance

Wabsa- there more consistently than her husband but a hard one to get talking about what she’s thinking!


Tyems – there daily, has missed some but he’s another one that’s keen to hear this and seems to be tracking really well!

Tabe – there daily and attends the ladies’ meetings too, very quiet but have had some neat talks with her

Stenli (19) – lives on his own – distracted by his sister’s baby out of wedlock and how that kept him from getting married – has hardly attended and isn’t getting the point as a result

Erik (teen) – sporadic attendance

Marina (11) – sporadic attendance

Mayyori (9) – sporadic attendance

Rems (7) – there most days

Aron (5) – there with his mom most days

Makay (18) – just had a baby but not by the guy she was promised to in marriage, so still single and living with her parents with the baby – there every day and often comes to the ladies’ meetings – seems to be tracking well


Makret (Tabe’s mom) – widow – there every day, quiet so we’ll see what happens in the days ahead


Maria – widow  - very faithful in her attendance, tracking really well and eager to hear it all

Kiware (teen) – sporadic attendance but has heard quite a bit so far

Yabmu (8) – there most of the time


Aendru (19) – there most days, has missed a few for fishing, etc.  He’s tracking well but he’s pretty proud and cocky right now too.  Pray that the Lord can break through that pride.

Aywasi (teen) –not attending at all


Buti and Tariri  - they’re in her home village – he’s not heard any of the teaching and she’s only heard about 10 lessons at most

his kids – Abram (teen) – sporadic attendance

Dara (11/12) – there just about every day

Eretia (7) – there most days

Her kids – Samaria (19) – in the other village with her mom and step-dad

Yurista/Yubet (teen) – in the other village

Dobeta (10/11) – in the other village

Ensel (7) – here and attends sporadically


Ambi – sporadic attendance, has been in another village the last week

Eren – very eager to hear, there every day and seems to be tracking really well but has missed the last week


Saylas- attends occasionally but seems to be in the same camp as his father-in-law, looking for stuff

Wenti – there more often than her husband, has missed quite a few lessons but still coming more often recently


Markus – attended rather faithfully at first but hasn’t come for the last three weeks or so

Mekrin – there daily and at the ladies’ meetings – she told she was hearing new things and she seems eager to hear but she’s also very quiet!


Aendrien – has hardly missed a day!  He’s so keen and tracking really well.  He’s probably surprised us the most because his brother falls into the disappointed with the missionaries’ camp and yet he’s there every day.

Kayne- don’t think she’s missed a day yet!  She’s so keen and tracking really well – another one of those ladies that’s interacting and pondering how this affects her and her kids!

Dasti (12) – there most days

Naensi (8) – there most days

Silia (6) – there most days


Noel – missed the first two weeks but has been pretty faithful since.  He seems to be tracking really well and keen to hear it.

Wekot – there every day although she missed the first couple weeks as well.  She is answering lots of questions in the lessons and really putting things together well!

Lisa (4) – there but hard to tell what she’s really grasping


Stiben – there every day, he seems to be tracking but he would probably be one that would associate daily attendance with righteousness.  Pray he grasps the real way to be righteous before God!

Dakruma – another of those sharp ladies that’s answering questions in the lessons and actively participating in the ladies’ meetings.  She’s another one that’s really close to putting it all together!


Manay and Aketa -  haven’t been in the village for any of the lessons


Manwel (has two wives) – not attending the teaching, he’s in Boni’s camp, disappointed with us missionaries because we aren’t pouring cargo out upon them day and night.

Mabe (first wife) – attends sporadically

Aysik (10) – attends occasionally and is almost more disruptive than attentive

Saylas (7) – rarely if ever attending


Bio (second wife and Mabe’s sister) – attends occasionally, more so than her husband or sister but has missed a lot too

Tyud (11) – not attending

Saenta (7) – there when her mom or cousins are occasionally



I think that’s everyone.  Tyon Abe came from Busan last week and it seems like there will be open doors to Busan and Tudaw to share this message there too!  Be praying for that – it won’t happen right away but we want them to hear it all too!  A large number of the teens mentioned above are thinking about marriage so they seem to be super distracted with that and not focusing on the teaching.  They’re waiting on Wobre’s return from Vanimo to arrange these marriages so they’re spending more time flirting and doing whatever the others are doing all together than attending the teaching. 


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