Saturday, November 24, 2012

You deserve

I know – I’m supposed to be dishing out the latest Wabuku news and I’m getting there….but another thought hit me really strongly this morning that I can’t very well fit into my next update.  I was listening to music this morning in preparation for my quiet time, singing along (as loud as I wanted since I live in the middle of the jungle and no one could hear me).  This song came on by Natalie Grant, called You Deserve.  I’ve sung along to it before and the line, “You deserve’ has been running through my mind off and on for over a week but I was really humbled by this one line today.   Here’s the basic song, minus all the repeats of the chorus. 


How can I come with only this

You are the Lord, wrapped in holiness

But here I am, before you now

Here I am


  You deserve

every mountain falling

  You deserve

Every ocean reaching

  You deserve

All creation crying out your word

  You deserve

All of heaven singing

 You deserve

Every nation rising

I have heard

What you want most is my love….


How can I be the one your heart aches for

Still can’t believe you say that I am yours

So here I am

Before you now

Here I am


  You deserve…

What you want most is my love….


The chorus starts talking about all that He deserves.  He is the Creator and Master of everything – above all and deserving of all worship, honor, praise, glory and exaltation.  He is the King of kings and Lord of lords…..and yet, what He wants most is my love.  I was humbled to tears to think that the God of all creation love me and is worthy of complete subjection and submission and yet what He really wants is my love.  Who am I that He should even know my name much less desire to be loved by me?  Pretty powerful truth. 


So then I got to thinking about the truth and ramifications of this.  Is it really backed up in Scripture?  Why would He wants that over anything else?  I could write a thesis on this probably but here are some of the things that came to mind this morning.  If I love Him, then I will keep His commandments, according to Jesus anyway.  If I love Him, then I will love His children – and all of those for whom He died.  If I love Him, then my heart will be broken for what His heart is broken for.  If I love Him, then I will submit and yield to Him.  If I love Him, then I will even obey Him, wanting only to please Him and never hurt or disappoint Him.  If I love Him, then I trust Him.  If I love Him, then I will seek His company often – and thus become more like Him.  If I love Him, then others will see that love too and be drawn to Him.  If I love Him, then nothing else will tempt me to ignore or become indifferent to Him.  If I love Him, then I will be much about His work, serving in His strength.  If I love Him, then I will choose fellowship with Him over anything else, such as sin which would break that fellowship.  I’m sure I could say more but I was quickly convinced that my love is really what He wants.  And even in that, it’s actually for my good that I love Him too.  I am loved by Him and I receive a ton of benefits by loving Him, it’s in my best interest to love Him.  And I need to get to know Him in order to love Him.  The more I know Him, the more I will trust Him, the more I trust Him, the more I will love Him.  The more I love Him, the more I will obey Him.  And then the cycle starts all over again so that the knowledge, trust, love and obedience go deeper and deeper.  And the more that I know, trust, love and obey Him, the more others see Him through me.  Sounds like the author of this song knew what they were talking about… absolutely amazing and humbling to think that the Great I Am, Creator of All, Almighty, Holy God wants my love.  Unbelievable!

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